IUBS Participants

The International Union of Biological Societies asked C.H. Waddington to organise a series of conferences entitled, Towards a Theoretical Biology. Four consecutive annual summer conferences took place at the Villa Serbelloni on Lake Como. These have been very stimulating to the creation of complexity theory. Here is a compilation of the participants in the four meetings.
Name Field Institution 1966 1967 1968 1969
Waddington, C.H. Biology Edinburgh X X X X
Thom, Rene Mathematics Paris X O X X
Cairns-Smith, A.G. Chemistry Glasgow X O O ?
Devons, Sam Physics Columbia, New York X O O ?
Cowan, Jack Math Biology Chicago X X X X
Goodwin, Brian Math Biology Sussex X X X X
Kornacker, Karl Biomath MIT, Cambridge MA X X O ?
Kroeger, H. Biology ETH, Zurich X ? ? ?
Lewontin, Roger C. Evo Biology Chicago X O X O
Lieber, Paul Mechanics Berkeley X X O O
Longuet-Higgins, C. Chemistry, Cmptn Edinburgh X X X X
Smith, John Maynard Evo Genetics Sussex X X X O
Mayr, Ernst Evo Biology Harvard, Cambridge MA X O O O
Michie, Donald Exp Biology, Cmptn Edinburgh X O O O
Pattee, Howard H. Physics Stanford X X X X
Platt, John R. Biophysics Ann Arbor, MI X O O O
Sager, Ruth Genetics Hunter, New York X O X O
Wolpert, Lewis Dev Biology London X O X X
Zeeman, Christopher Topology Warwick X O O X
Arbib, Michael A. Automata Stanford O X O O
Bastin, E.W. Physics, Cmptn Cambridge UK O X O O
Bohm, David Physics London O X O O
Elsasser, W.M. Physics Princeton O X X O
Garstens, Martin A. Physics College Park MD O X X O
Gregory, Richard L. Neuroscience Edinburgh O X X O
Grene, Marjorie Philosophy Austin TX O X O O
Iberall, A.S. Systems Analysis Pennsylvania O X O O
Kerner, Edward H. Physics Delaware O X X O
Monro, Robin E. Mol. Biology Cambridge UK O X O O
Scriven, L.E. Chem Engnrg Minneapolis MN O X O O
Buneman, Peter Topology Edinburgh O O X O
Burns, J.A. Cmptn Edinburgh O O X O
Cohen, Morell Physics Chicago O O X X
Fraser, Alex. Genetics ??? O O X O
Kauffman, Stuart Medicine Chicago O O X X
Langer, Suzanne Philosophy Connecticut O O X O
Levins, R. Ecology Chicago O O X O
Conrad, Michael Theor Biol California O O O X
Crick, Francis Mol Biol Cambridge UK O O O X
Elsdale, Thomas Cell Biology Edinburgh O O O X
Fowler, David Mathematics Warwick O O O X
Gordon, Richard Theor Biology Buffalo NY O O O X
Thorne, J.P. Linguistics Edinburgh O O O X

Revised 27 May 2002 by Ralph Abraham, <abraham@vismath.org>