The Global Consciousness Project

The GCP at Princeton University keeps data, collected second by second, from Random Event Generators (REGs or EGGs) around the world. Here we are posting some recurrence plots (RPs) made with VRA. VRA is a wonderful tool for creating and studying RPs. For a short intro to RPs, see our lexicon, YAXL.

From 11 September, 2001

These are for EGG #1 (Princeton, NJ) only:
  • One hour, beginning 0600 GMT (2 AM, EDT), embed dim = 1
  • One hour, beginning 1800 GMT (2 PM, EDT), embed dim = 1
Note: The attacks occured between 8:45 and 11:00 AM, EDT.
Revised 17 June 2002 by Ralph Abraham, <>