Ralph Abraham is Professor of Mathematics at the University of California at Santa Cruz, founder of the graduate program there on computational dynamics, and is an author of Laura Gardini is Professor of Mathematics in the Universities of Urbino and Brescia in Italy, and is an author of Christian Mira is Professor of Control Engineering at the Institut National des Sciences Appliquees de Toulouse, where he created the Groupe d'Etudes des Systemes Non Lineaires et Applications (GESNLA), in the Laboratoire des Systemes Informatiques et Automatiques (LESIA). He is an author of As the creator of the method of critical curves, Christian Mira brings to this book long and extensive experience in the field. Laura Gardini extended the method of critical curves and applied it extensively, recently obtaining many new results. Ralph Abraham, known for his pioneering work (and his extensive book writing and illustrating) on continuous dynamical systems since 1960, met Mira and Gardini at a conference in June, 1991, and quickly became their co-author in this work.
Revised 30 September 1996 by Ralph Abraham, <abraham@vismath.org>