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In order for this to work, this file, your model file (dorband+sound.nlogo), and the file NetLogoLite.jar must all be in the same directory. (You can copy NetLogoLite.jar from the directory where you installed NetLogo.)

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If NetLogoLite.jar and your model are in different directories, you must modify the archive= and value= lines in the HTML code to point to their actual locations. (For example, if you have multiple applets in different directories on the same web server, you may want to put a single copy of NetLogoLite.jar in one central place and change the archive= lines of all the HTML files to point to that one central copy. This will save disk space for you and download time for your users.)

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view/download model file: dorband+sound.nlogo


This is a mathematical model that demonstrates abstract vector fields and integral curves.

Generally speaking, a field is a "region in which a body experiences a force as the result of the presence of some other body or bodies. A field is thus a method of representing the way in which bodies are able to influence each other. For example, a body that has mass is surrounded by a region in which another body that has mass experiences a force tending to draw the two bodies together.... The strength of any field can be described as the ratio of the force experienced by a small appropriate specimen to the relevant property of that specimen, e.g. force/mass for the gravitational field" (Oxford Minidictionary of Physics).

By 'abstract vector fields' we mean that this model is not committed to any specific type of force, such as gravity or magnetism. Rather, it simulates a general field, in which some focal property of influence affects a "small appropriate specimen", or particle, placed in the field.

Normally, if you look at a field with bare eyes, you will not necessarily see the forces. For instance, if you drop an apple it falls down, even though you cannot see the gravitational force. The apple is an object in the gravitational field. You saw how it behaved so you could guess that there is some force that made it go down. Humans do not perceive (visually) forces of gravitation or electro-magnetic forces. However, in a model, we can use little arrows (vectors) to show where, how forceful, and in which direction there are forces in this field.


In this model, the field is plotted using vector graphics: green streaks are individual vectors with yellow turtles serving as arrowheads. The length of each vector is roughly proportional to the magnitude of the vector field at each point. In this model, it is just the distance from the origin: The further away from the origin, the larger the vector. Also, all vectors are aimed clockwise along tangents to circles centered on the origin.

The vectors show you in what direction and how forcefully an appropriate specimen -- here, a 'particle' -- will be "knocked about" once it is placed the field. Once the particle is "knocked" to a new location, it will be knocked yet again by the force there (represented by the vector). Actually, it being "knocked about" continuously, but in this simulation, the "knock" occurs at discrete points in the field. Since the particle does not use up the forces, it will keep being knocked about. The path the particle takes is called its 'trajectory.' You will be able to track this trajectory because the particle will leave a red trail behind it as it moves along its trajectory. Trajectories in vector fields are called 'integral curves.'

Even though behavior of particles can be interesting and possibly unanticipated, owing to forces not being distributed uniformly in the field, or some other factor, we have chosen, for clarity, a vector field with a logical and consistent relation between location in space and size/orientation of the force. The vector field chosen for this particular model is

    - y d/dx  +  x d/dy

Ideally, in the particular force field modeled here, the particle trajectories should be concentric circles (that is, the particle should go round and round along the same circular trajectory).


SETUP: Clears the screen and computes the vector field.
PLACE-PARTICLES: Puts the program into the mode in which you can position red test-particles by clicking anywhere in the graphics window.
GO: Runs the simulation continuously to show the integral curves.


Notice that the vectors grow in length as you move away from the origin. What effect do short vectors have on a particle? Long vectors?

The way this model is programmed, each particle moves some finite amount before calculating its new heading. Therefore, the particles do not turn as much as they would if their headings were continuously recalculated. This causes their trajectories to spiral slowly outward. (You have to let the model run for a while before this becomes apparent.) We tried to minimize this by having the particles move forward only a very small amount at each time step (the variable STEP-SIZE). We couldn't make this amount too small since the model would then run too slowly. If you want the particles to spiral less, or you want the model to run faster, change this value.


Place particles in different parts of the screen. Does the particle's position have any effect on the trajectory?


Try a different vector field by changing it in the SETUP-VECTOR, FORCE-X, and FORCE-Y procedures. For instance, if you choose

    x d/dx - y d/dy

the integral curves will be hyperbolas.


To refer to this model in academic publications, please use: Wilensky, U. (1998). NetLogo Vector Fields model. Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.

In other publications, please use: Copyright 1998 by Uri Wilensky. All rights reserved. See for terms of use.


;;; plendo.nlogo rev 01, 23 january 2005 by ralph abraham
;;; based upon vectorfield.nlogo of the CCL Model Library
;;; dorband.nlogo, 26 jan 2005, modify plendo for the dorband map, jpx ch 7
;;; dorband+sound.nlogo, 29 may 2006
extensions [ sound ]

breed [ particles ]

  clicked?     ;; true if we have clicked the mouse button but have not yet placed a particle
  deltax deltay   ;;; window widths for conversion routines
  deltau deltav   ;;; world coord window widths
  umin umax vmin vmax ;;; from def of map-u and map-v
  xmin xmax ymin ymax ;;; from Graphics Window attributes
  ;;; c defined by a slider from 0 to 1

;;; procedures

;;; these are for coord conversion functions (affine isomorphisms)
to init-globals
  set xmin min-pxcor
  set xmax max-pxcor
  set ymin min-pycor
  set ymax max-pycor
  set deltax world-width - 1 ;;; this is Graphics Window attribute
  set deltay world-height - 1 ;;; this is Graphics Window attribute
  set umin 0
  set umax 1
  set vmin 0
  set vmax 1
  set deltau (umax - umin) 
  set deltav (vmax - vmin)

;;; reporters
;;; ==============================================
;;; conversion functions, world-coords <--> turtle-screen-coords:
;;; horizontal: (u <--> x), vertical (v <--> y)
;;; ----------------------------------------------
;;; (u <-- x): u = convert(x)
to-report horizconvert [ x ]
  let u (deltau * ( x - xmin ) / deltax) + umin
  report u

;;; (u --> x): x = deconvert(u)
to-report horizdeconvert [ u ]
  let x (deltax * ( u - umin ) / deltau) + xmin
  report x

;;; (v <-- y): v = convert(y)
to-report vertconvert [ y ]
  let v (deltav * ( y - ymin ) / deltay) + vmin
  report v

;;; (v --> y): y = deconvert(v)
to-report vertdeconvert [ v ]
  let y (deltay * ( v - vmin ) / deltav) + ymin
  report y
;;; ==============================================
;;; more procedures
to setup
  set clicked? false

;;; green test particles move along trajectories, leaving red blotches
to go
  ask particles
    set pcolor red ;;; blotch on current patch
    let xtemp xcor
    let ytemp ycor
    set xcor map-x xtemp ytemp ;;; move to image point
    set ycor map-y xtemp ytemp
    if play [
      sound:play-note "TRUMPET" (50 + xcor) ( 50 + ycor / 2 ) 0.2
      wait (( 50 + ycor ) / 200)
  ask particles

;; place test particles
to place-particles
  if mouse-down?
  [ set clicked? true ]
  if (not mouse-down?) and clicked?
  [ place-particle mouse-xcor mouse-ycor ]

;; create a particle at (x,y)
to place-particle [x y]
  create-particles 1
    setxy x y
    set size 3
    set heading 0
    set color green
  set clicked? false

;;; reset pcolor of all patches
to clear
  ask patches
    set pcolor black
  ask particles

;; calculate the horizontal component of the map where the turtle is located
to-report map-x [ x y ] ;; turtle procedure
  let utemp1 horizconvert x
  let vtemp1 vertconvert y
  let utemp2 map-u utemp1 vtemp1
  let xtemp horizdeconvert utemp2
  report xtemp

;; calculate the vertical component of the map where the turtle is located
to-report map-y [ x y ] ;; turtle procedure
  let utemp1 horizconvert x
  let vtemp1 vertconvert y
  let vtemp2 map-v utemp1 vtemp1
  let ytemp vertdeconvert vtemp2
  report ytemp

;;; and at last, the map in world coords
;;; we might want CLIPPING here
to-report map-u [ u v ]
  report (1 - c) * u + 4 * c * v * (1 - v)

to-report map-v [ u v ]
  report (1 - c) * v + 4 * c * u * (1 - u)