Math 145 W99


Abraham, Ralph, John Corliss, and John Dorband, August 1991
Cellular dynamata #1: the toral logistic lattice
10 min., unpubl.
Dorband, John, Dec 1991
A coupled logistic map, 4 min., unpubl.
The response diagram of a 2D map, seen as a 3D object. Includes the invariant measure as a color code on the locus of attraction.
Peitgen, Heinz-Otto and coworkers, ca 1990
Fractal interviews
Record, Ron, and Ralph Abraham, ca 1991
A double logistic map, Rev. 2, 3 minutes, unpubl.
Rooke, Stephen, ca 1995
Primordial yearnings, 15 min., unpubl.
Artistic computer graphic animation.
Rooke, Stephen, 16 Jan 1999
Genetic cross dissolves, 45 min., unpubl.
Spectacular art work made from genetic algorithms and 2D maps
J.-C. Roux, Rob Shaw, and Harry Swinney, ca 1980
Chaos in a chemical system
Silent, B&W, ca 20 min, unpubl.
Illustrates the technique of attractor reconstruction
Taylor, Jeremy, 1989
The strange new science of chaos
Nova documentary from WGBH/BBC, 60 minutes
Features early pioneers, including UCSC
Yorke, James and Frank Varosi
Chaos and fractals in simple physical systems

Revised by Ralph 09 Feb 1999